Define The Term Bursary And Mention Three Criterions Learners Should Meet To Acquire A Bursary

Bursaries: A Comprehensive Guide

Definition of a Bursary

A bursary is a form of financial assistance awarded to students to support their education. Unlike scholarships, which are typically awarded based on academic merit, bursaries are primarily granted based on financial need and other specific criteria. They provide financial relief to students who face financial barriers to pursuing higher education.

Criteria for Acquiring a Bursary

To be eligible for a bursary, learners typically need to meet certain criteria set by the awarding organization. These criteria may vary depending on the specific bursary program, but generally include:

1. Financial Need:

  • Applicants must demonstrate a genuine financial need. This is often assessed through an evaluation of the student’s family income, assets, and expenses.
  • Students from low-income backgrounds or those facing financial hardship are typically given priority.

2. Academic Standing:

  • While academic merit is not the primary criterion for bursaries, most programs require applicants to maintain a minimum academic standing.
  • This ensures that students are making satisfactory progress in their studies and are committed to their education.

3. Specific Eligibility Requirements:

  • Bursaries may have additional eligibility requirements based on the purpose of the program. For example:
    • Minority or Underrepresented Groups: Bursaries may be targeted towards students from underrepresented groups to promote diversity and inclusion.
    • Specific Fields of Study: Bursaries may be available for students pursuing particular academic programs, such as STEM or healthcare.
    • Community Involvement: Bursaries may reward students who demonstrate active involvement in their community or extracurricular activities.

Types of Bursaries

Bursaries can be classified into various types based on their funding source and purpose:

  • Government Bursaries: Provided by government agencies to support students from low-income families or those facing financial hardship.
  • University Bursaries: Offered by universities to their own students based on financial need and academic standing.
  • Corporate Bursaries: Funded by corporations to support students pursuing specific fields of study or from underrepresented groups.
  • Non-Profit Bursaries: Awarded by non-profit organizations to students who meet specific eligibility criteria, such as community involvement or academic excellence.

Benefits of Bursaries

Bursaries offer numerous benefits to students, including:

  • Financial Relief: Bursaries provide much-needed financial assistance to students who may otherwise struggle to afford the costs of education.
  • Reduced Student Debt: By covering a portion of tuition and other expenses, bursaries help students reduce their reliance on student loans, which can lead to significant savings in the long run.
  • Increased Access to Education: Bursaries make higher education more accessible to students from all socioeconomic backgrounds, ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent them from pursuing their educational goals.
  • Motivation and Support: Receiving a bursary can boost students’ confidence and motivation, knowing that their financial needs are being met and that they are supported in their academic endeavors.

How to Apply for a Bursary

To apply for a bursary, students typically need to:

  • Research Available Bursaries: Explore various bursary programs and identify those that align with their eligibility criteria.
  • Gather Required Documents: Prepare supporting documents such as financial statements, academic transcripts, and proof of community involvement.
  • Complete the Application: Submit a complete application form, providing accurate and detailed information about their financial situation and academic standing.
  • Meet Deadlines: Pay attention to application deadlines and submit their application on time.


Bursaries play a vital role in supporting students from all backgrounds to pursue higher education. By providing financial assistance based on financial need and specific eligibility criteria, bursaries help break down financial barriers and promote equal access to education. Learners who meet the required criteria should actively seek out and apply for bursaries to alleviate financial burdens and maximize their educational opportunities.

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