CAO Handbook 2025: A Guideline to Apply for Bursaries 2024/2025

CAO Handbook 2025

The Central Applications Office (CAO) handbook is an essential resource for any South African student aspiring to pursue undergraduate studies at universities and institutes of technology. The 2025 edition serves as a roadmap, guiding you through the application process, program exploration, and important deadlines.

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the CAO Handbook 2025. While the actual handbook might have variations in structure and specific resources offered, this breakdown equips you with a solid understanding of the information you can expect to find. Don’t hesitate to utilize the handbook as a valuable tool to navigate your application process effectively and secure a place at your desired program in the 2025 academic year.

Section One: Getting Acquainted with the CAO

  • About the CAO: This section provides a brief introduction to the CAO, its role in facilitating applications, and its commitment to facilitating student access to higher education institutions.
  • Contact Information and Location: Here, you’ll find the CAO’s physical address, contact details (phone number and email), and potentially even directions to their office headquarters.
  • Important Dates and Deadlines: This section highlights key dates throughout the application cycle for the 2025 intake. These include deadlines for application submission, supporting document upload, fee payment, and potential change of mind requests.
  • Important Notices and Terms & Conditions: This section outlines crucial information about the application process, including eligibility requirements, application fees, and any changes to policies implemented for the 2025 cycle. Carefully reviewing these terms and conditions ensures a smooth application experience.

Section Two: Exploring Your Study Options

This section focuses on helping you identify and explore potential study options that align with your academic interests and career aspirations. It might include the following resources:

  • List of Participating Institutions: This is a comprehensive list of universities and institutes of technology participating in the CAO application process for the 2025 academic year.
  • Program Categories: This section could categorize programs by academic fields (e.g., Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences) to help you navigate the vast array of study options available.
  • Career Guidance Resources: The handbook might provide resources or links to online resources to help you identify potential career paths based on your skills and interests. This can be particularly helpful if you’re unsure of a specific program to pursue.

Section Three: The Application Process

This section is the heart of the handbook and provides a step-by-step guide on how to submit your CAO application online. Here’s what you might expect:

  • Eligibility Requirements: This clarifies who can submit an application through the CAO system. It typically includes recent high school graduates or individuals with equivalent qualifications.
  • Application Process Breakdown: This section details the online application process, including creating an account, entering personal information, and selecting program choices. It might even include screenshots or diagrams to illustrate the steps involved.
  • Supporting Documents: The handbook clarifies which documents you need to upload to verify your eligibility and academic qualifications. These could include your final high school results, birth certificate, or proof of residency.
  • Payment Methods: This clarifies how to pay the application fee. It might detail available online payment options or procedures for paying at designated payment centers.
  • Modifying Your Application: The handbook might explain how to adjust your program choices after submitting your initial application, potentially within a specified timeframe and subject to a fee.

Section Four: Choosing the Right Program

This section empowers you to make informed program selections. Here’s what it might cover:

  • Understanding the Program Choice List: This explains how to select your preferred programs in order of preference on the CAO application form.
  • Program Listings and Descriptions: The handbook might include a comprehensive list of program offerings from participating institutions with brief descriptions of each program’s content, duration, and entry requirements.

Section Five: Communication Throughout the Process

  • CAO Communication: This section details how the CAO will communicate with you throughout the application process. This could involve receiving updates about application status, offers, and important deadlines via email or SMS.
  • Institution Communication: The handbook might explain how individual institutions communicate with applicants regarding offers, registration procedures, and other program-specific details.
  • Understanding Application Statuses: This clarifies what various application statuses (e.g., “Awaiting Results,” “Offer Made”) mean and the potential actions associated with each status.

Section Six: Charting Your Career Path

This section might offer guidance on career exploration and planning for your future after high school. Here’s a possible breakdown:

  • Self-Assessment Tools: The handbook might include quizzes or assessments to help you identify your strengths, interests, and values, ultimately aiding you in selecting a program aligned with your career aspirations.
  • Relating Academic Fields to Careers: This section might provide resources or a table demonstrating how various academic fields translate into potential career paths.

Section Seven: Essential Resources and Support

The CAO handbook aims to be a comprehensive guide for your application journey. This final section might provide additional resources and support systems to ensure you have a smooth experience. Here’s a potential breakdown:

  • Glossary of Terms: This section defines commonly used acronyms and abbreviations you might encounter throughout the application process and within program descriptions.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): The handbook might include a dedicated FAQ section addressing common queries students have regarding applications, program selection, and deadlines.
  • Contact Information for Member Institutions: This could be a directory containing contact details for participating universities and institutes of technology, allowing you to reach out to specific institutions if you have program-specific questions.
  • Additional Support Resources: The CAO might provide links to external resources that can offer support with career counseling, financial aid options, or navigating challenges faced by students from disadvantaged backgrounds.


The CAO handbook is an invaluable resource for any South African student embarking on their higher education journey. By thoroughly exploring the handbook’s various sections, you’ll gain a clear understanding of the application process, program options, and resources available to support your informed decision-making. Remember, starting early, carefully reviewing deadlines, and submitting a complete application alongside the required documents are key to a successful application.

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