2 Types Of Tests Written In The Nbts

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Assessments: Exploring Two Distinct Test Types


The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the quality of teaching in the United States. NBPTS offers a rigorous assessment system that certifies teachers who demonstrate exceptional competence in their field. The NBPTS assessments consist of two distinct test types: the Content Knowledge Assessment (CKA) and the Performance-Based Assessment System (PBAS). This paper will delve into the characteristics, purpose, and implications of these two test types within the NBPTS certification process.

Content Knowledge Assessment (CKA)


The CKA is a multiple-choice test that assesses teachers’ knowledge of the subject matter they teach. It covers a broad range of topics within the specific content area, including foundational concepts, theories, and pedagogical practices. The CKA is designed to measure teachers’ understanding of the content they are responsible for teaching.


The CKA serves as a gatekeeper for the NBPTS certification process. Candidates must pass the CKA in order to qualify for the PBAS. The CKA ensures that teachers have a strong foundation in the subject matter they teach, which is essential for effective instruction.


Passing the CKA demonstrates that teachers possess the necessary content knowledge to teach their subject effectively. It also indicates that teachers are familiar with the latest research and best practices in their field. This knowledge is crucial for teachers to stay abreast of educational advancements and to provide high-quality instruction to their students.

Performance-Based Assessment System (PBAS)


The PBAS is a performance-based assessment that evaluates teachers’ teaching skills and practices. It consists of four components:

  • Videotaped Teaching: Candidates submit video recordings of themselves teaching a lesson.
  • Student Work Analysis: Candidates analyze student work to demonstrate their ability to assess student learning.
  • Reflective Commentary: Candidates write reflective commentaries on their teaching practices and student work analysis.
  • Interview: Candidates participate in an interview with a panel of experienced educators to discuss their teaching philosophy and practices.


The PBAS is designed to assess teachers’ ability to apply their content knowledge in the classroom. It provides a comprehensive evaluation of teachers’ teaching skills, including their ability to plan lessons, engage students, manage the classroom, and assess student learning.


Passing the PBAS demonstrates that teachers are not only knowledgeable in their subject matter but also skilled in the art of teaching. It indicates that teachers can effectively translate their content knowledge into engaging and effective lessons that promote student learning. This assessment is highly valued by school districts and administrators as it provides evidence of teachers’ teaching competence.

Comparison of CKA and PBAS


  • Both the CKA and PBAS are rigorous assessments that measure teachers’ knowledge and skills.
  • Both assessments are required for NBPTS certification.
  • Both assessments are designed to promote teacher growth and development.


  • Content: The CKA assesses content knowledge, while the PBAS assesses teaching skills and practices.
  • Format: The CKA is a multiple-choice test, while the PBAS is a performance-based assessment.
  • Purpose: The CKA is a gatekeeper for the NBPTS certification process, while the PBAS is a comprehensive evaluation of teachers’ teaching competence.


The NBPTS assessments, including the Content Knowledge Assessment (CKA) and the Performance-Based Assessment System (PBAS), are essential components of the NBPTS certification process. The CKA ensures that teachers have a strong foundation in the subject matter they teach, while the PBAS evaluates their teaching skills and practices. Together, these assessments provide a comprehensive evaluation of teachers’ knowledge, skills, and ability to promote student learning. NBPTS certification is a highly respected credential that demonstrates teachers’ commitment to excellence in teaching and their dedication to providing high-quality education to their students.

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