What Does Intern Mean?

What Does Intern Mean?

An intern is a person who works for a company or organization for a limited period of time, typically as part of a training program. Internships are often unpaid, but some may offer a stipend or other benefits. Interns typically work under the supervision of a more experienced employee, and they may be given a variety of tasks to complete, depending on their field of study and the company’s needs.

Types of Internships

There are many different types of internships available, depending on the industry and the company. Some of the most common types of internships include:

  • Business internships: These internships are typically offered by businesses and corporations, and they provide students with the opportunity to learn about different aspects of business, such as marketing, finance, and operations.
  • Government internships: These internships are offered by government agencies, and they provide students with the opportunity to learn about different aspects of government, such as policymaking, public administration, and law enforcement.
  • Nonprofit internships: These internships are offered by nonprofit organizations, and they provide students with the opportunity to learn about different aspects of nonprofit work, such as fundraising, program development, and community outreach.
  • Research internships: These internships are offered by research institutions, and they provide students with the opportunity to conduct research in a variety of fields, such as science, medicine, and social sciences.

Benefits of Internships

There are many benefits to completing an internship, including:

  • Gaining real-world experience: Internships provide students with the opportunity to gain real-world experience in their field of study. This experience can help students to develop their skills, learn about different career paths, and make connections with potential employers.
  • Building a network: Internships can help students to build a network of professional contacts. This network can be helpful for students when they are looking for a job after graduation.
  • Getting a foot in the door: Internships can help students to get a foot in the door at their dream company. Many companies offer full-time positions to their interns after they graduate.

How to Get an Internship

There are a few things that students can do to increase their chances of getting an internship, including:

  • Start early: The best time to start looking for internships is early in the academic year. This will give you plenty of time to research different opportunities and apply for the ones that you are most interested in.
  • Network: Talk to your professors, classmates, and friends to see if they know of any internship opportunities. You can also attend career fairs and networking events to meet with potential employers.
  • Tailor your resume and cover letter: When you are applying for internships, be sure to tailor your resume and cover letter to each specific opportunity. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position you are applying for.
  • Practice your interviewing skills: Once you have been invited to interview for an internship, be sure to practice your interviewing skills. This will help you to make a good impression on the interviewer and increase your chances of getting the job.


Internships are a great way for students to gain real-world experience, build a network, and get a foot in the door at their dream company. If you are interested in pursuing an internship, be sure to start early, network, tailor your resume and cover letter, and practice your interviewing skills.

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