Two Challenges Encountered By Young People In Accessing Higher Education

Challenges Encountered By Young People


Higher education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of young people, providing them with the knowledge, skills, and credentials necessary for success in the modern workforce. However, accessing higher education can be a daunting task for many young people, who face a myriad of challenges that can hinder their aspirations. This essay will explore two significant challenges encountered by young people in accessing higher education: financial barriers and academic preparedness.

Financial Barriers

1. Tuition and Fees:

The cost of higher education has skyrocketed in recent decades, making it increasingly difficult for young people from low-income backgrounds to afford a college degree. Tuition and fees can vary significantly depending on the institution, program, and location, but they can easily exceed tens of thousands of dollars per year.

2. Living Expenses:

In addition to tuition and fees, young people also need to cover living expenses such as housing, food, transportation, and books. These costs can add up quickly, especially in urban areas or near prestigious universities.

3. Student Debt:

To bridge the financial gap, many young people turn to student loans. However, student debt can be a heavy burden, with high interest rates and long repayment periods. This debt can limit their financial flexibility and future career choices.

Academic Preparedness

1. Educational Disparities:

Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds often face educational disparities that can make it difficult for them to succeed in higher education. They may have attended underfunded schools with limited resources, experienced learning gaps, or lacked access to quality educational materials.

2. Standardized Testing:

Standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT, are often used as gatekeepers for admission to higher education. However, these tests can be biased against students from underrepresented groups and may not accurately reflect their academic abilities.

3. Lack of Guidance and Support:

Young people from low-income families may lack access to guidance counselors, mentors, and other support systems that can help them navigate the complex process of applying to and succeeding in college.

Consequences of Challenges

The challenges faced by young people in accessing higher education have far-reaching consequences.

1. Reduced Economic Opportunities:

Without a college degree, young people are less likely to secure high-paying jobs and advance in their careers. This can lead to lower lifetime earnings and increased economic inequality.

2. Limited Social Mobility:

Higher education is a key driver of social mobility, allowing individuals to move up the socioeconomic ladder. Barriers to accessing higher education can perpetuate cycles of poverty and limit opportunities for upward mobility.

3. Reduced Civic Engagement:

College graduates are more likely to be involved in civic activities, such as voting, volunteering, and community service. Barriers to higher education can limit the civic engagement of young people and weaken democratic institutions.


Addressing the challenges faced by young people in accessing higher education requires a multifaceted approach.

1. Financial Assistance:

  • Increase government funding for financial aid programs, such as Pell Grants and subsidized student loans.
  • Explore alternative funding models, such as income-based repayment plans and debt forgiveness programs.
  • Provide financial literacy education to help young people manage student debt.

2. Academic Support:

  • Invest in early childhood education and K-12 programs to reduce educational disparities.
  • Reform standardized testing to make it more equitable and reflective of student abilities.
  • Provide targeted academic support programs for students from underrepresented groups.

3. Access to Guidance and Support:

  • Increase the number of guidance counselors and mentors available to young people from low-income backgrounds.
  • Create college access programs that provide support with applications, financial aid, and academic planning.
  • Engage community organizations and non-profits in providing guidance and support to young people.


The challenges faced by young people in accessing higher education are complex and multifaceted. Financial barriers and academic preparedness are two significant obstacles that can hinder their aspirations. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that includes financial assistance, academic support, and access to guidance and support. By investing in the education of our youth, we can create a more equitable and prosperous society for all.

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