How The Inability To Access Funding For Tertiary Education May Negatively Affect The Future Of Young People Who Are Keen In Studying

The Dire Consequences of Funding Barriers in Tertiary Education for Aspiring Young Minds


Access to higher education is paramount for young people’s future prospects. It empowers them with knowledge, skills, and credentials necessary for success in the modern workforce. However, for many aspiring students, the inability to secure funding for tertiary education poses a significant barrier, threatening their dreams and the future of their communities. This essay will delve into the detrimental effects of funding limitations on young people’s educational aspirations and explore the urgent need for solutions to address this critical issue.

The Impact on Educational Attainment

The lack of funding for tertiary education has a direct impact on educational attainment. Without financial support, many students are forced to delay or abandon their studies altogether. According to a study by the National Center for Education Statistics, students from low-income families are less likely to enroll in college than their more affluent peers. This disparity is further exacerbated by the rising cost of tuition and fees, which has made higher education increasingly unaffordable for many families.

The Economic Consequences

The inability to access funding for tertiary education has far-reaching economic consequences. Young people who are unable to pursue higher education are more likely to face unemployment, underemployment, and lower earning potential throughout their lives. A study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) found that individuals with a tertiary education earn significantly more than those with only a secondary education. Moreover, higher education graduates are more likely to be employed in high-skill, high-paying jobs that drive economic growth and innovation.

The Social Consequences

The lack of funding for tertiary education also has significant social consequences. Young people who are denied access to higher education are more likely to experience poverty, social exclusion, and health problems. They are also less likely to participate in civic and political life, which can weaken the fabric of society. A study by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) found that individuals with a tertiary education are more likely to be involved in community activities, volunteer their time, and engage in political processes.

The Psychological Consequences

The inability to access funding for tertiary education can have a profound impact on young people’s psychological well-being. Students who are forced to abandon their studies may experience feelings of disappointment, frustration, and low self-esteem. They may also develop a sense of hopelessness and a belief that their future is limited. A study by the American Psychological Association found that students who are unable to afford college are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

The Need for Solutions

The detrimental effects of funding barriers in tertiary education on young people’s future prospects are undeniable. It is imperative that governments, educational institutions, and other stakeholders work together to address this critical issue. Some potential solutions include:

  • Expanding financial aid programs: Governments should increase funding for scholarships, grants, and loans to make higher education more affordable for students from all socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Reducing tuition costs: Educational institutions should explore ways to reduce tuition and fees, such as through partnerships with businesses and community organizations.
  • Providing alternative pathways to higher education: Governments and educational institutions should develop alternative pathways to higher education, such as online learning and part-time programs, to make it more accessible for students who may not be able to attend traditional college.
  • Promoting awareness and outreach: Governments and educational institutions should launch awareness campaigns to inform students and families about the importance of higher education and the financial aid options available to them.


The inability to access funding for tertiary education is a major obstacle that threatens the future of young people who are keen on studying. It has dire consequences for their educational attainment, economic prospects, social well-being, and psychological health. It is essential that we address this issue through a comprehensive approach that involves expanding financial aid programs, reducing tuition costs, providing alternative pathways to higher education, and promoting awareness and outreach. By investing in the education of our young people, we are investing in the future of our communities and our nation.

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