The cost of higher education is often a challenge for many students and their families, which is why scholarships, bursaries, and awards are crucial in making education accessible to all. The IIE’s Varsity College, a leading private higher education institution in South Africa, recognizes the financial burden that students face and provides a variety of scholarships, bursaries, and awards to assist in the pursuit of their academic goals. In this article, we will focus on the Varsity College bursaries available, with particular attention to the types of bursaries and the application process.
1. Engagement Bursaries
The Engagement Bursary is a type of bursary awarded to students who hold positions of leadership at The IIE’s Varsity College. These bursaries are available to current students serving on student committees such as VC Cares, Social Committee, Sports Committee, VC Voice, and Career Centre Ambassador Bursaries. To be eligible for an Engagement Bursary, a student must be registered at The IIE’s Varsity College and have proven leadership skills in one of the aforementioned committees. The bursary amount varies and is awarded at the discretion of the college.
2. Sports Bursaries
The IIE’s Varsity College recognizes the importance of sports and athletics in the development of a student’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. For this reason, the institution offers various sports bursaries to students who excel at a junior or senior level on either a provincial or a national team. These bursaries include the National Sports Discretionary Bursary, Major Sports Club Bursaries, and Sports Club Administrator Bursary.
The National Sports Discretionary Bursary is awarded to students who participate in national-level sports events and have demonstrated exceptional sporting talent. The Major Sports Club Bursaries are awarded to students who represent The IIE’s Varsity College in a particular sporting code and are members of a recognized major sports club. The Sports Club Administrator Bursary is awarded to students who demonstrate leadership and organizational skills in managing a sports club.
Prospective applicants should contact a campus and speak to a Student Advisor, who will provide information on the application process and eligibility criteria.
3. Student Sibling Award
The Student Sibling Award is an award available to any student who has a sibling concurrently studying at The IIE’s Varsity College. This award recognizes the financial burden that families face when more than one child is pursuing higher education simultaneously. To be eligible for this award, a student must provide proof of their sibling’s enrollment at The IIE’s Varsity College.
4. Leadership Awards
Leadership Awards are one-year awards given to prospective students who assumed a leadership role at the school they matriculated from. These awards are available to students who have held the position of Head Prefect or Deputy Head Prefect. To be eligible for this award, a student must provide proof of their leadership role at their previous school.
Application Process
The IIE’s Varsity College Scholarship Programme application process is straightforward and accessible to all prospective students. To apply for a bursary, scholarship, or award, a student must book an appointment with a Student Advisor at an IIE Varsity College campus close to them. The Student Advisor will provide information on the application process and eligibility criteria for each award.
Students must complete the application form in full, providing all the required academic and financial information. Applicants must attach an official copy of their last set of school results (Grade 11 or equivalent or Grade 12 results, if Grade 12 has been completed) and a tax certificate for both parents or guardians, where applicable. If a parent or guardian is not registered for tax, a certified declaration stating that the parent or guardian is the sole earner in
the household must be submitted. The completed application form, supporting documents, and proof of registration at IIE’s Varsity College must be submitted to the Student Advisor by the stipulated deadline.
In conclusion, IIE’s Varsity College offers a range of bursaries, awards, and scholarships to assist students in their academic pursuits. From Engagement Bursaries to Leadership Awards, Sports Bursaries, and the Student Sibling Award, the institution recognizes the diverse needs of its student body and offers support in various forms. The application process is accessible and straightforward, and students are encouraged to speak to a Student Advisor to explore the available options and eligibility criteria. By providing financial support to its students, IIE’s Varsity College aims to create a more inclusive and accessible learning environment and enable all students to achieve their academic goals.
I passed my matric with barchelors degree in 2015 and im struggling for going to university because i live with my grandmother she support us with pernssion money …..i need barsary so that i can fulfil my dreams
How to apply for a bursary cause I really need it
I would like to apply for a bursary
i am willing to study at the university but i need financial support r scholar ship
My daughter has her heart set on studying at Varsity College and I am so sad not to be able to afford her that possibility. she did better than we expected in her Matric 2016 results. I am a single parent whose salary is already stretched beyond breaking point. Please help me make this a reality for her
Hi ,I would like for my son to receive a bursary.He passed matric in 2015 and done casual jobs in 2016.Currently he’s at home looking for work.
I’m in need for a bursary for my BA in varsity college… Plz contact me through my email
Many thanks.
Iam looking a bursary …please help
I looking for a bursary…please help
Want to study now 2017 problem is money can I get a bursary and how long does it take me to claim it
I’d like to apply for a bursary i passed with a bachelors degree
My child is supposed to complete her LLB degree. Apparently I ran out of finances. I am an employed and her mother too. I desperately need assistance in this regard.
I would like to study at the institution but I need financial support..
i would like to study business management please help me pesuare my studies as i have passed my matric with diploma in 2015
I can please get a bursary. I’m doing grade 12 and I am looking for a school to sponsor me because my parents can’t really afford to pay for my studies. With all due respect please consider my wishlist.
I like to be assist by money
im looking for bursary that i can apply to now
I’m a poor young lady looking for a bursary whose parents aren’t working. I’ve passed my matric with diploma and I’m studying at varsity college springville .My parents can’t carry on with my fees anymore because they are struggling to get money.
I Tshepo Danke am writting this letter becuase i do have financial problems so I will be needing assistance with finance as I will be going to study next year
I passed my matrix with bachelor degree please help I need to study I need to get bursary am interested in llb please help me
Hi I’m Anele Simelane from oshoek in mpumalanga. I need help with funding my studies at varsity college midrand. I haven’t yet started with my studies because of the funding issue. Please help a young girl with big dreams please