UKZN Bursaries: Financial Assistance in Kwazulu-Natal

ukzn bursaries

The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) is a leading academic institution in South Africa, providing high-quality education to students from all walks of life. However, not all students can afford the cost of higher education, and this is where bursaries come in. A bursary is a financial award that does not have to be repaid, and it is given to students who are financially needy and have excellent academic results. This article will focus on UKZN bursaries, how they are awarded, and who is eligible for them.

What is a Bursary?

A bursary is a financial award that is given to students to help cover the cost of their education. Unlike a loan, a bursary does not have to be repaid, and it is awarded to students based on financial need and academic merit. Bursaries are often given by governments, universities, private companies, and charitable organizations to help students who might not be able to afford the cost of higher education.

Types of Bursaries

There are several types of bursaries available to students, including:

  1. Internal Bursaries: These are bursaries that are administered by the university, and they are usually awarded to returning undergraduate students who are financially needy and have excellent academic results.
  2. External Bursaries: These are bursaries that are awarded by organizations outside the university, such as private companies or charitable organizations.
  3. Contract Bursaries: These are bursaries that are offered by companies or organizations as part of their Human Resource initiative, and they require the student to work for the donor for a specific period after graduation.

UKZN Bursaries

UKZN offers several bursaries to financially needy students who have excellent academic results. The bursaries are awarded based on a set of criteria, including the student’s financial need, academic merit, and the availability of funds. Students who meet the criteria for a bursary can apply, and the bursaries are awarded after a rigorous selection process.

Internal Bursaries

UKZN administers several bursaries for returning undergraduate students who are financially needy and have excellent academic results. These bursaries are usually awarded after registration, and the value of the bursary may be decided by the specific sponsor but will not exceed full study costs. Higher average marks will achieve higher bursary values. In 2013, a student achieving above 74.5% may be awarded a bursary valued at R25,000, whereas a student achieving below 74.5% but above 64.5% may be awarded a bursary valued at R12500.

Here are some available internal bursaries at UKZN:

  1. The Emma Smith Educational Trust
  2. The Cecil Renaud Educational Trust
  3. The Victor Daitz Foundation
  4. The Terry & Gladys Champaign Educational Trust
  5. The United Kingdom Trust

External Bursaries

UKZN also receives external bursaries from private companies and charitable organizations. These bursaries are awarded to students based on the specific criteria set by the sponsor. External sponsors may also create an adjustment to the values awarded to students.

Here are some external bursaries:

  1. Ackerman Trust
  2. HK Anderson Trust
  3. Terry & Gladys Champaign Educ. Trust
  4. Frank Connock English Trust
  5. Victor Daitz Educational Trust
  6. Alexandra BC Dow Trust
  7. Fulton Trust
  8. Ginwala & Rustomjee Trust
  9. GH Langelier Trust
  10. Stella & Paul Loewenstein Trust
  11. TK MacDonald Trust
  12. Advocate Kessie Naidu Law Scholarship
  13. Elizabeth Margaret Peachy Trust
  14. Cecil Renaud Scholarship Trust
  15. S. A. Association of Women Graduates
  16. OB Smith Trust
  17. United Kingdom UKZN Trust

Contract Bursaries

UKZN students can also apply for contract bursaries offered by companies or organizations. These bursaries require the student to work for the sponsor for a specific period after graduation. The student is paid a salary during the work period, and the sponsor covers the cost of their education.

Eligibility Criteria for UKZN Bursaries

To be eligible for a UKZN bursary, a student must meet the following criteria:

  1. Financial Need: The student must be financially needy, and their current Gross Family Income must not exceed R150,000 per year.
  2. Academic Merit: The student must have excellent academic results, with an average mark above 64.5% in their registered courses in the previous year’s exam sessions.
  3. Availability of Funds: The availability of funds is a critical factor in bursary selection. There are far more students wanting free gifts than there is money available, and bursaries are normally given to needy students who are seen to be capable of obtaining their degree in the minimum amount of time.


UKZN bursaries are a valuable resource for financially needy students who have excellent academic results. The bursaries are awarded based on a set of criteria, including financial need, academic merit, and the availability of funds. Students who meet the eligibility criteria can apply for a bursary, and the bursaries are awarded after a rigorous selection process. UKZN also receives external bursaries from private companies and charitable organizations, and students can apply for contract bursaries offered by these organizations. Overall, UKZN bursaries help to ensure that students from all walks of life have the opportunity to pursue higher education and achieve their goals. F

For more information, visit the official UKZN bursaries page here.

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